Vinh Ta
Let this be a cautionary tale to anyone thinking about bringing your dog here. I brought my dog here for a board and train for 3 weeks. He seemed nice at first saying he would be able to train and work out any issues I've had with my dog. The original planned date of drop off was 8/15, but I had some work things came up so I asked if I could drop him off a day earlier 8/14. He was very accommodating and said no problem.
First couple of days he posted a quick video of assessment of my dog, then silence for 2 weeks. I thought I was going to get more videos of progression of training but nothing. It is not like he's not posting videos of other dogs, but there were none of mine. I text him the 2nd week of the training asking for an update. He said that my dog is doing very well and taking up to the training fast. I said that sounds fantastic. He then told me that there were some scabbing and missing fur due to food allergy. Told me that it wasn't too bad and shouldn't be concerned. This was after the fact that I was never notified that food was running low nor asked if it was ok to give my dog another food brand. I brought in 3 months worth of food and yet he said it has ran out?
He calls me on 8/29 telling me my dog is ready to pick up, but I had plans for going out of town over the weekend and asked if I could pick him up when I come back on Labor Day 9/2. He said no problem.
On pick up day. I came to the facility and saw my dog in a bad condition. He was filthy and scabs on his body. He looked scared and didn't want to be there. He proceeded to show me what he has learned. Based on what I saw there was no training or barely any. He then told me he taught him place command. Which he already knew from very young age. I even have videos of it. At this point I was not in a mood to argue with this person.
It took me over 4 hours to bathe and cut all the matting out. I called him in the morning looking for answers of what happened. He kept repeating allergic reaction and I didn't bring enough food. He then asked me if I bought a prong collar to train? It was not even 24 hours since I picked up my dog, how was I going to do any training with him. Isn't that what the training was for?. I asked him for more videos of progressions and he couldn't produce them. At this point I don't even care if my dog was trained. Then when I said I was unhappy about the result and the condition my dog came back in. He then cussed me out and hung up the phone. Couple minutes later he calls me back giving some weird personal story about a stalker? I told him I don't even care about the money and want answers. I said I was going to report him to animal control and he belittled me saying do I want my hand held while I did that? and hangs up the phone. Sends me a bunch of text message about his personal situation and apologizes for losing his cool. It doesn't excuse his unprofessionalism and how he acted towards anyone.
The same day I brought my dog to the vet to get him checked out on the scabs and missing fur. The vet wasn't sure where the scabs are from but there was a lot of bacterial infection and said this shouldn't have happened the short amount of time this took to develop.