Very disappointed by my experience here and debated writing this considering all the good reviews before mine, but sometimes you need to be the bearer of bad news to help others.
Initially, I liked the philosophy and vibe I got from the trainers and thought I was doing the right thing by getting my puppy in classes young. Of course, but! I should have known something was up when they asked for money up front for a series. A big chunk. I noticed their enthusiasm wane pretty immediately after getting paid. Scheduling future classes became like pulling teeth, despite being proactive and communicating my availability and making it easy, they just didn't.
Then my instructor, the owner, somehow could not remember conversations or what we reviewed last in class. (I only went to 3 classes total.) He taught things out of order and got annoyed when I asked questions. He was very specific in the micro actions you have with your dog which makes total sense, but when taught out of sequence with zero context, slightly challenging. And while the actions themselves are easy not knowing the greater picture makes learning it super awkward. At least for me.
He wouldn't realize this was happening and would become annoyed and react by throwing on a valley girl accent to me, I think to be partially funny, but clearly to mock and act like I was an idiot. It was tough and not an easy space to learn.
He'd say all of his instruction is on his site for reference, almost like I should have studied that all in advance, which was fine, but when I looked for what he mentioned, I could never find that particular content.
The tipping point was when I was told my 4 month year old puppy, who shows no aggression and is "extremely easy to train" (words directly from the mouth of the owner trainer there), needed to be put on an e-collar. I wasn't excited about him on a microcurrent collar so young while his brain was developing and wrote them an email communicating that. It was something that just didn't feel quite right. They acknowledged and understood, and mentioned there were several ways to train without one. I figured as much and was happy to move on from that.
But when we came for our next visit, the owner said he could no longer work with us unless we used the e-collar. He had zero recollection of what was communicated and resolved in our email even after I reminded him. He stayed adamant my puppy needed to be on the ecollar otherwise we couldn't continue work, without any reason why. I was floored and even yelled at this point out of sheer annoyance. I shouldn't be forced to put my puppy on a microcurrent collar. He doesn't have behavioral issues. He listens, he can be trained other ways.
Then after that fun interaction the owner backtracked and emailed that he didn't mind not using the ecollar, he just didn't like my reaction to him saying my dog needed it. You mean after we agreed he didn't need it?!! Confusing, annoying. Controlling. He wasted my time and money.
The type of person who enjoys telling you you're a bad dog owner when he knows you're not. I have no idea why the other reviews are in such stark contrast other than I just really wish I had their experience. I also have a well behaved puppy who deserved much better.
We came in with positive attitudes, looking to learn and show what we practiced. It's entirely unprofessional to treat people so poorly. I was able to recoup some money back but they still got a good chunk.
Overall, a highly uncool experience.
*Update: I recently checked my venmo and he did end up refunding what he owed me to it's entirety, so I appreciate that.